Member-only story
Co-parenting can have its challenges in normal times. Now with Covid-19 along with shelter-in-place restrictions, co-parenting can get even harder unless both parents work together for the best outcomes.
Currently, we have a week on, week off schedule while co-parenting. Usually, on Friday mornings we have “Donut Friday” where we all meet up for donuts and coffee. Afterward, we move any kids bags from one car to the other and the person who has the kid’s that week will pick them up after school, etc. It is a system that took a little time at first for everyone to get comfortable with but over time has become very efficient and easy to follow. But now with Covid-19 in our lives, things start to get a little more complicated.
First, when this virus started coming into view the week before school was closed I had my kids. Seeing that something was about to progress across the country, I talked with my Ex and we decided that of course, our kid’s safety was first and foremost. I am extremely fortunate to have a second home up in the mountains about 3 hours out of the SF Bay area. Knowing that it would be quiet and minimal people, gave us the ability to get outside along with not freaking out my oldest who deals with high anxiety issues. We had the ability to “seal” them into a safe area without any crazy worries of getting the…